Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Two French Girls Red White Pencoret Released

White red flag affixed to a new article and images by Two citizens of France Dusaussoy Paulina Yuonne Aline, 19, and Julie,19 Motte Mercedes while picking up his colleague Livia at Ngurah Rai Airport, Tuesday (17/08/2012) is considered abusive countries. Second principal symbol and Flag has now secured the Airport Ngurah Rai Mapolsek KP3 for further investigation.

DENPASAR, — Two French girls, Dusaussoy Paulina Yuonne Aline (19) and Motte Julie Mercedes Livia (19) which secured apparatus Polsek KP3 Ngurah Rai Airport, Monday (13/08/2012) then for allegedly harassing white red flag finally released because it was not found guilty.

Paulina and Julie who left Investigators Wednesday yesterday admitted had no intention of harassing flag red white and did not know if their actions offensive to the citizens of Indonesia. "Not proven the existence of desecration, already liberated," said Publicist Kasubag Polresta Denpasar, AKP Ida Bagus Made Scholars when confirmed, Thursday (16/08/2012).

Of the examination results, both the police girl bought a red flag that many white sale at roadside clear HUT RI August 17. To welcome his friend named Bastian aka Sebah will come from Kuala Lumpur, the two girls are then write down the name and emblem of the heart to a new two-part white flag. Paulina and Julie utilize only white red flag to welcome a new and no other purpose.

As reported, two Frenchmen Secured apparatus Investigators KP3 Denpasar Airport because it is considered abusive white red flag, Tuesday (17/08/2012). At around 21.20 Pm both actors Paulina Yuonne Aline Dusaussoy, (19) and Motte Julie Mercedes Livia (19) are the airport Ngurah Rai to pick up their friends to a new alias in the Bastian's journey from Kuala Lumpur using Air asia AK 1366.

While waiting in the passenger pickup area for international arrivals Terminal, both actors unfurled flag of Indonesia (red and white), where on the flag there is a NEW article on the Flag are white and 2 (two) a heart-shaped picture tacked on top of a NEW writing.

A number of residents who could not see it due to the comfortable judged abusive, report to members of the Investigators I Putu Aiptu KP3 Gst Sudiana which is not far from the location. I Putu Aiptu Gst then secure both actors Sudiana and bring it to the Office of Investigators for questioning KP3 Ngurah Rai caption.

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