Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

LBH The Alleged Persecution Of Prisoners Mortar

PADANG, aid Institute (LBH) Pasture, Thursday (16/8) complain of alleged acts of persecution against the convict's initials (23). Legal aid-LBH Padang, Arief said the allegations from the rat occurs Vicar in Muaro Sijunjung correctional facility, Sijunjung, West Sumatra on August 14.

S family accompanied The alleged mistreatment of LBH reported this to the Polres Sijunjung, said Arief. He added, S is a convict murder cases since 2009 with punishment for six years.

According to alleged persecution commenced Arief, while using a mobile phone's is suspected. "For allegedly infringing the rules in this LP, S then allegedly herded and interrogated by force, said Arief.

The Head Office of The Ministry of law and HUMAN RIGHTS of West Sumatra, Sumarni Alam when contacted said it had been resolved, the issue between the parties The Komnas HAM LBH, Company representatives, heads of Correctional Security Unity LP Muaro Sijunjung, and Muaro Sijunjung Kalapas. "It's not beating and also not due to persecution in question using a mobile phone and then dumped into the kloset caught," he said.

He said the alleged abuse is the instantaneous burst of emotion attendant. Because one of the officers responsible for about 60 inmates, so sometimes people because it was too tired so easily provoked emotions, said Sumarni.

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