JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com-Among students in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia successfully garnered funds amounting to Rp 19,35 million. The Fund is the result of contributions of the general public who are convened to the victims of the fire, Banturung Gelagap Market Timpah, Regency Kapuas, Kalteng.
According to the Chairman of the Board Management Branch (DPC) National Students Movement (GMNI) Indonesia Palangkaraya, Roni Singapuar, when contacted in Palangkaraya, Wednesday (15/8/2012), the Fund convened on 8-August 12, 2012. Fundraising is done on a small Roundabout.
Roundabout with traffic lights it connecting four major roads in Palangkaraya so often impassable to motor vehicles with solid enough flow. The Fund has been submitted to the Fire victims of the Market Gelagap Meninggalkan Banturung in the Kapuas River.
Previously, the market Gelagap Banturung fire-ravaged, Saturday (4/8/2012) with the value of the loss is expected to reach Usd 5.8 billion. We thank him for his help so that the Community funds as much as it can be collected, said Roni.
The activity was carried out, the set of Student League Palangkaraya Student Kapuas, DPC GMNI Palangkaraya, the student Executive Body (BEM) Palangkaraya University (Unpar), BEM Faculty of teacher training and science Student Opposition, Barisan Unpar Milky Kalteng, and Hima Huma Betang Indonesia.
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