Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Freeport Bus fired upon The unknown

COMPASS/B JOSIE SUSILO HARDIANTO Mine open the Grasberg mine is part of the volcano which has died. The mine has reserves of minerals such as copper and gold, which is quite large. The photo was taken, mines Friday (25/11/2011) that the plan will be discontinued operations penambangannya 2016. PT Freeport Indonesia will focus their operation in underground mines.

 JAYAPURA, KOMPAS.com– a bus belonging to PT Freeport Indonesia, Thursday (16/8/2012) fired upon an unidentified person at mile 40 when passing. There was no casualties in the shooting.

Shot glass it causes a bus smashed and serpihannya wounded bus driver. The shooting happened at around 06.45 WIT.

PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman Ramdani justifies the existence of such events Sirait. A driver who was injured has gotten medical treatment. Currently the police investigating such cases central.

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