Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Security guard Rob Banks in order to foster mom Obati Hasanudin Kris Ave Andriyanto, Security Bank Maspion turned out brain robbery 2 days ago was being led buser Direskrim team in Polda Bali Bali Mapolda, Thursday (16/08/2012).

DENPASAR, — that needed immediate action unique Bank robbery committed by Maspion Denpasar satpamnya own wrenching story left. Kris Ave Andriyanto left his parents since childhood robbed to cure disease stroke foster mom who take care of him.

"He dumped his parents since childhood, then treated people. Now he is again need money to his adopted mother treatment treating him, "said Kasubdit III Direskrimum Polda Bali, AKBP Harry Haryadi Mapolda Conference in Bali, Thursday (16/8/2012) during the last.

The origin of this man claims to have been a Place of work in Bali and last 8 months working as a security guard at the Bank Maspion. Current status as employees with salaries of $ 1 of outsourcing, 2 million per month. His earnings were not enough to cost of treatment his mother forced Andriyanto committed robbery.

However, due to his actions in violation of the law, Andriyanto and police continued to process the catch man 24 years by article 363 of the CRIMINAL CODE and the 220 about theft and false reports.

As reported, Andriyanto designing scenarios in a bank robbery where he worked on Tuesday (14/8/2012). The previous report to Andriyanto police since claims to be robbed three people on Tuesday morning and then turned out to be just made up a fictional story. After the investigating team assisted Polresta Direskrim Polda Bali Denpasar check and find various gaffe Andriyanto in his statement, police uncover the perpetrators of robbery is Andriyanto themselves.

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