Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Nurses to share Cake Independent to Pemudik SYAMSUDDIN Welcome anniversary 67 RI, a number of nurses are Agus Arifin Nu?man baking gelatin merah putih to be given to the patient and hospital crosses pemudik.

SIDRAP, — to greet the Birthday To – 67 Republic Indonesia, a number of nurses in public hospitals (HOSPITALS) Agus Arifin Nu?man, Sidrap District, South Sulawesi, create a jelly cake with the colors red and white.

Thousands of red-colored cake wrapped in white berasama mineral water. Then in the bundle are affixed to the plastic red and white is written the name of the cake becomes independent. The cake was made for a patient become independent HOSPITALS Agus Arifin and pemudik crossing in front of the hospital.

Cake-making an independent, coordinators M Yamin found in HOSPITALS Agus Arifin Nu?man Thursday (16/8/2012) says, the goal is to welcome independent cookie HUT RI Ke-67 Independence.

"In addition to commemorating the 50th ANNIVERSARY of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA, we are also giving away all these cakes to patients and those who happened to be passing pemudik in front of the hospital," he said.

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