Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Jurnalis Korban Senapan Angin Dirujuk ke RS Undata

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KOMPAS.com/ ERNA DWI LIDIAWATI Salahudin (34) jurnalis TV lokal yang terkena senapan angin dirawat di IGD RS Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng

PALU, KOMPAS.com - Salahudin alias Ala (34), jurnalis televisi di Palu yang terkena senapan angin di leher kanan, akhirnya dirujuk ke RSUD Undata Palu, Selasa (21/8/2012). Salahudin dipastikan akan dioperasi untuk mengeluarkan peluru senapan angin yang hingga kini masih bersarang di leher kanannya.

Kepala RS. Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng Moh Haris mengatakan rujukan ini dilakukan karena peralatan medik milik RS Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng tidak lengkap. "Dia harus ditangani dokter ahli syaraf. Dikhawatirkan ini mengganggu sarafnya, makanya kita rujuk ke RS Undata untuk bisa secepatnya ditangani karena peralatan di sana lebih memadai," kata Haris.

Walau saat ini Salahaudin alias Ala sudah dapat berkomunikasi, namun ia mengaku merasakan tangan kanannya ada kelainan. "Saya rasa keram tanganku," katanya singkat.

Hingga kini Ala masih terbaring lemah di ruang tindakan RS. Undata. Ala terkena senapan angin saat bentrok antar desa di Kecamatan Marawola kembali pecah, Selasa siang tadi. Saat itu Ala tengah mengambil gambar bentrok antar warga di Kecamatan Marawola, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah dengan beberapa kawan jurnalis lain.

Ketika itu polisi berusaha membubarkan massa bentrok dengan melepaskan gas air mata ke arah massa bentrok. Namun angin membawa gas air mata itu ke arah aparat di mana Ala tengah berlindung di tameng TNI. "Karena pedih di mata spontan para aparat berhamburan, sementara Ala berusaha menutup matanya. Di situ sudah akhirnya Ala kena, tiba-tiba dia pingsan," kata Odi, rekan jurnalis televisi lain yang menjadi saksi mata.

Jurnalis Korban Senapan Angin Dijenguk Kapolda

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KOMPAS.com/ ERNA DWI LIDIAWATI Salahudin (34) jurnalis TV lokal yang terkena senapan angin dirawat di IGD RS Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng

PALU, KOMPAS.com - Salahuddin (34) jurnalis TV di Palu dipastikan terkena senapan angin saat meliput bentrok warga, di Kecamatan Marawola, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah, Selasa (21/8/2012).

Saat ini kondisi Salahudin atau biasa disapa Ala sudah membaik. Ala yang tadinya pingsan kini sudah siuman dan sudah bisa berkomunikasi. Ala tidak sadarkan diri ketika senapan angin mengenai leher kanannya. Ketika itu Ala tengah menggambil gambar saat bentrok antarwarga di Desa Binangga kembali pecah.

"Saya tadi ambil gambar, posisiku di belakang tamengnya aparat TNI, habis itu saya sudah tidak ingat lagi," kata Ala yang dirawat di RS. Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng.

Ala sempat ditangani di ruang Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RS Bhayangkara. Ala masih menggunakan penyangga leher. Selanjutnya, untuk penanganan lanjutan, rencananya dokter di RS Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng akan melakukan rontgen.

Kepala Polda Sulawesi Tengah Brigen Pol Dewa Parsana prihatin atas insiden yang terjadi terhadap Salahudin. Keprihatinan ini disampaikan Kapolda Dewa Parsana saat menjenguk Ala di RS. Bhayangkara Polda Sulteng. "Saya meminta kawan-kawan jurnalis yang bertugas di lapangan untuk hati-hati. Keselamatan tetap diutamakan," kata Kapolda Dewa Parsana. 

Sultan Gelar "Open House" pada 24 Agustus

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YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Gubernur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X akan mengadakan "open house" dalam rangka Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 Hijriah pada 24 Agustus 2012.

"Kegiatan itu untuk memberi kesempatan kepada masyarakat Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) dan sekitarnya yang ingin bersilaturahim dengan Sultan," kata Kepala Bagian Humas Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) DIY Kuskasriati di Yogyakarta, Selasa (21/8/2012).

Menurut dia open house itu akan digelar di Pagelaran Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Dalam open house itu Sultan akan didampingi istrinya Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (GKR) Hemas dan Wakil Gubernur (Wagub) DIY Paku Alam IX.

"Masyarakat yang akan menghadiri open house dipersilakan datang ke Pagelaran Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dengan mempertimbangkan waktu yang telah disediakan panitia, yakni pukul 08.30 WIB hingga 11.30 WIB," katanya.

Kegiatan itu, kata dia, diharapkan selesai tepat pukul 11.30 WIB. Untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan jika melebihi waktu yang disediakan, pintu gerbang Pagelaran Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat akan ditutup pukul 11.15 WIB.

Ia mengatakan masyarakat yang datang dari arah barat Pagelaran Keraton, panitia mengimbau kendaraan bisa diparkir di kantong-kantong parkir sisi barat Alun-alun Utara dan sekitar Masjid Besar Kauman.

Masyarakat yang datang dari arah timur, kendaraan bisa diparkir di sisi timur Alun-Alun Utara, sedangkan yang datang dari arah utara, parkir kendaraan menyesuaikan dengan tempat-tempat parkir yang disediakan.

Menurut dia untuk menjamin ketertiban antrean masyarakat agar berjalan lancar, panitia telah menentukan dan mengatur rute antrean, yakni dimulai dari jalan di tengah Alun-alun Utara menuju Pagelaran Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

"Untuk menghindari antrean yang tidak teratur, masyarakat yang antre bisa menempatkan diri mulai dari sekitar pohon beringin. Panitia juga menyediakan dua unit ambulance yang ’stand by’ di sisi barat dan timur Pagelaran Keraton," katanya.

BNBP Berikan Bantuan untuk Korban Gempa Sigi

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PALU, KOMPAS.com - Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Dr Syamsul Maarif bersama Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah, Longki Djanggola beserta rombongan, Senin (20/8/2012) mengunjungi lokasi gempa bumi di Desa Tuva, Kecamatan Gumbasa, Kabupaten Sigi.

Dalam kesempatan itu Kepala BNPB menyerahkan bantuan dana siap pakai sebesar Rp 200 juta kepada Bupati Sigi. Kepala BNPB juga memberikan arahan penanganan bencana di lapangan. "Dana Rp 200 juta itu digunakan untuk operasional penanganan darurat bencana ," kata Kepala BNPB Syamsul Maarif.

Syamsul Maarif beserta rombongan juga meninjau lokasi gempa di Kecamatan Kulawi dengan menggunakan transportasi kendaraan roda dua.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, pada gempa bumi 6,2 SR di Sigi, empat orang meninggal dunia tertimpa reruntuhan bangunan, satu diantaranya belum diketahui identitasnya.

Tiga korban meninggal tersebut adalah Ronald Rico (9) dari Desa Salua, Kecamatan Kulawi, serta Ida (47) dan Martin (14) warga Kecamatan Lindu. Tercatat 8 orang luka berat, 35 orang luka ringan. Sebanyak 471 bangunan rusak, terdiri dari 165 rumah rusak total, 120 rusak sedang, 186 rusak ringan, 3 mesjid rusak ringan, 2 gereja rusak ringan, 1 gereja rusak berat, dan 2 sekolah rusak ringan.

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Kendaraan dari Selatan Diarahkan Lewat Tol Pejagan

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Jumar Sudiyana / Radio Sonora Suatu senja di Kota Brebes,pada Lebaran Hari Kedua, Senin (20/8/2012)petang masih ramai pemudik arah Timur Jawa Tengah.

BREBES, KOMPAS.com - Mengantisipasi lonjakan arus balik Lebaran, Kepolisian Resort Brebes Jawa Tengah, kembali menerapkan sistim rekayasa lalulintas di kawasan Tol Pejagan dan sekitarnya.

Kapolres Brebes Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi Kif Aminanto mengatakan, kendaraan pemudik yang dari datang arah selatan bisa langsung mengambil satu jalur dari arah Ketanggungan ke Gerbang Tol Pejagan.

"Semua kendaraan dari arah Selatan akan diarahkan lewat Pintu Tol Pejagan, dimana hal tersebut kebalikan pada waktu arus mudik yang lalu," tuturnya Selasa (21/8/2012) dinihari.

Aminanto menambahkan, Pertigaan Pejagan, lokasi yang berpotensi macet akan mendapat penjagaan khusus petugas kepolisian. Jika perlintasan pintu kereta ditutup saat ada rangkaian kereta melintas, maka arus kendaraan akan diarahkan ke Jalur Pantura via Losari. Tetapi jika tidak ada kereta api yang melintas dan palang pintu kereta api terbuka, kendaraan dari arah Pantura Jawa Tengah akan diarahkan masuk Tol Pejagan.

"Kalau ada rangkaian kereta api melintas di Pertigaan Pejagan, semua kendaraan akan diluruskan semua ke Jalur Losari dan Kanci, tetapi jika palang pintu kereta terbuka, kendaraan akan masuk Tol Pejagan," tambah Kapolres.

Polisi juga akan menerapkan sistem 3-1 dimana kendaraan dari arah timur diberi 3 lajur dan 1 lajur khusus arus kendaraan dari arah barat mengingat volume kendaraan dari barat sudah menurun.

Kapolres Brebes AKBP Kif Aminanto menambahkan, pemudik dari arah Selatan yang melintas di sekitar Ciregol tidak perlu kawatir karena saat ini kondisi jalan sudah baik pascaturunnya permukaan tanah di lokasi tersebut beberapa waktu lalu.

Sementara itu di titik lokasi pusat penjualan oleh-oleh Khas Brebes, polisi akan ditempatkan untuk mengatur lalulintas agar tidak menimbulkan kepadatan, Kapolres juga menghimbau pemudik yang akan berbelanja oleh-oleh di sepanjang Kota Brebes dan sekitarnya agar tertib dan tidak parkir di bahu jalan.

Terisolasi, Bantuan Korban Gempa Sigi Dikirim dengan Helikopter

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K68-12 Dandim 1306 Donggala, Letkol CZI Rudy Wahyodiono, saat menjelaskan lokasi Kecamatan Lindu yang masih terisolir, Selasa (21/8/2012).

PALU, KOMPAS.com - Memasuki hari ketiga pascagempa bumi 6,2 Skala Richter, lima desa di Kecamatan Lindu, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah, masih tersiolasi. Akses jalan ke lima desa tersebut yang hanya bisa dilewati kendaraan roda dua masih tertimbun longsor.

Rencananya, hari ini, Selasa (21/8/2012), upaya membuka jalan menuju Kecamatan Lindu akan dilanjutkan kembali. Kelima desa yang belum terjangkau bantuan pascagempa adalah Desa Puro'o, Desa Langko, Desa Anca, Desa Kanawu dan Desa Tomado.

Komandan Kodim 1306 Donggala Letkol CZI Rudy Wahyudiono yang juga juga Ketua Satuan Tugas Koordinasi dan Pelaksana (Satkorlak) mengatakan, medan menuju lokasi bencana di Kecamatan Lindu berat.

"Medannya berat karena berada di lereng-lereng gunung, sementara di bawah sudah jurang. Anggota kita sudah ada yang tembus ke sana dengan berjalan kaki untuk mendata jumlah korban dan kerusakan bangunan. Sementara untuk pengiriman bantuan hari ini akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan helikopter," kata Rudy.

Ia juga mengatakan, akses jalan menuju dua kecamatan yang semula terisolasi akibat gempa yaitu Kecamatan Kulawi dan Kecamatan Gumbasa kini sudah terbuka.

Gempa berkekuatan 6,2 skala Richter di Sigi terjadi Sabtu (18/8/2012) pukul 17.41 Wita. Gempa berada di kedalaman 10 kilometer dengan episentrum sekitar 42 kilometer arah tenggara Kota Palu. Gempa juga dirasakan di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Donggala, dan Parigi Moutong.

Wilayah yang paling merasakan dampak gempa adalah Kecamatan Lindu, Kulawi, dan Gumbasa yang terletak di perbukitan. Ketiga kecamatan itu juga masuk ke dalam daerah yang dilalui sesar aktif Palu-Koro yang membentang dari Teluk Palu hingga Teluk Bone.

Lima warga di Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah, dilaporkan tewas akibat gempa. Puluhan warga lainnya masih dirawat akibat luka berat dan ringan.

Gempa juga menimbulkan longsor yang menyebabkan lima desa di Kecamatan Lindu hingga Senin masih terisolasi. Ada 61 titik longsor di sepanjang 7 kilometer yang menutup badan jalan menuju Lindu.

Jalur Mudik Lintas Barat Sulawesi Macet 3 Kilometer

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KOMPAS.com/ Junaedis Lantaran tak dijaga petugas lalulintas dan LLAJR, sejumlah jembatan darurat di jalur lintas barat sulawesi tepatnya di Pinrang sulawesi selatan, terjebak kemaectan panjang hingga 3 kiometer. Para pengendara saling salib hingga kemacetan makin sulit terurai

PINRANG, KOMPAS.com - Arus mudik dengan kemacetan parah ternyata bukan hanya di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera. Di jalur perlintasan jembatan darurat di Kabupaten Pinrang, Sulawesi Selatan, pun terjadi kemacetan hingga 3 Kilometer.

Kemacetan yang terjadi salah satunya disebabkan tidak ada petugas yang mengatur arus lalu lintas di jembatan yang sempit itu. Padahal, jembatan itu amat strategis posisinya. Jembatan yang terletak di Desa Datae, Kecamatan Duampanua Pinrang ini berada di lintas barat Sulawesi yang menghubungkan Sulawesi Selatan dan propinsi lain di sekitarnya seperti Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Utara, Barat dan daerah lain di sekitarnya.

Nah, di saat masih dalam suasana arus mudik seperti ini, pengemudi-pengemudi kendaraan roda empat dari arah berlawanan tidak ada yang mau mengalah. Para pengendara saling rebutan agar bisa melintasi jembatan kecil itu. Padahal, lebar jembatan hanya mampu memuat satu mobil saja.

Kejadian ini, menurut kesaksian salah satu warga, sudah terjadi dua hari ini. Petugas Dinas LLAJR pun tidak terlihat.

Sejumlah warga yang prihatin dengan kondisi kemacetan panjang itu sempat berusaha membantu mengatur lalu lintas. Namun sejumlah pengendara malah menolak diatur.

"Tak ada pengendara yang mau diatur, malah mereka saling salib seenaknya, makanya macet seperti ini. Apalagi tidak ada petugas," ujar Ria, warga setempat.

Warga pun akhirnya memilih menghentikan turun tangan dan membiarkan kemacetan yang membuat stres para pengendara dan warga, di lokasi yang panas dan semburan debu yang makin padat.

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Seorang Pria Tewas Dibunuh di Manokwari

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Kompas.com/ Budy Setiwan Kontributor Kompas TV Manokwari Petugas Kepolisian dari Reskrim Polres Manokwari, saat mengidentifikasi jasad Hans Saiba yang ditemukan tewas didepan kompleks Pasar Wosi, Senin (21/8), sekitar pukul 21.30 WIT.

MANOKWARI, KOMPAS.com - Seorang pria ditemukan tewas, Senin (21/8/2012), sekitar pukul 22.30 WIT. Korban ditemukan dengan posisi tengkurap di kompleks perumahan Pasar Wosi, Kelurahan Wosi, Kabupaten Manokwari, Papua Barat, dengan luka bacok pada bagian kepala. Bahkan tangan kiri korban putus.

Penemuan mayat yang diketahui bernama Hansa Saiba ini, menggegerkan warga sekitar. Beberapa warga mengaku tidak mendengar adanya pertikaian yang terjadi di areal kompleks, sebelum pembunuhan tersebut terjadi.

"Tadi hanya sepi-sepi saja, kita tidak tau ada orang berkelahi di depan kompleks Pasar Wosi. Kita baru tau setelah ada polisi yang datang, amankan lokasi kejadian," kata Saiman warga kompleks Pasar Wosi.

Polisi selanjutnya memasang garis polisi di sekitar lokasi kejadian. Dari hasil identifikasi ditemukan luka sobek di bagian kepala korban yang diduga akibat senjata tajam. Polisi yang melakukan pengecekan tubuh korban menemukan sejumlah barang bukti untuk kepentingan penyelidikan selanjutnya.

Usai identifikasi, jasad korban diangkut dengan menggunakan mobil polisi menuju RSUD Manokwari. Keluarga korban yang mengetahui peristiwa itu ditenangkan polisi. Polisi pun berupaya menenangkan keluarga korbankan pembunuhan. Dugaan sementara, motif pembunuhan tersebut berlatar belakang dendam lama.

Ribuan Pengunjung Padati Waterboom

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PAREPARE, KOMPAS.Com - Memanfaatkan cuti dan libur Lebaran, warga Parepare dan sekitarnya menyerbu wahana air Waterboom, di Kelurahan ujunng Lare, Kecamatan Soreang, Kota Parepare. Bahkan banyak pengunjung berasal dari luar Parepare, Sulawesi Barat.

Wiwin, salah seorang pengunjung dari asal Polewali, mengaku kalau dirinya bersama keluarga dan rekan-rekannya sudah lama ingin ke Parepare untuk menikmati hari libur lebaran.

"Secara kebetulan momennya masih hari Lebaran Idul Fitri, sehingga kami memilih waterboom untuk tempat rekreasi," tutur Wiwin sambil tersenyum saat ditemui di Waterboom, Selasa (21/8/2012).

Wiwin mengaku sudah sejak pagi berada di Waterboom bersama keluarga dan rekannya dari Polewali, Sulbar. "Memang sih untuk mendapatkan karcis harus antrean. Itu pun harga tiket masuk, saya mengeluarkan uang Rp 20.000 untuk dewasa dan anak-anak Rp 15 ribu per orang," katanya.

Pengelola Waterboom Ujung Lare belum bisa memprediksi jumlah pengunjungnya. Namun berdasarkan pantauan di lokasi, diperkirakan ada sekitar ribuan pengunjung yang berekreasi di Waterboom tersebut.

Sudut-sudut jalan di sekitar Waterboom tersebut juga dipadati kendaraan parkir. Pengelola Waterboom Ujung Lare, Hery Susanto menyatakan belum bisa memastikan jumlah pengunjung di Waterboom tersebut.

"Dua hari ini, pengunjung mulai berdatangan. Kami belum bisa pastikan berapa jumlahnya, yang pastinya ribuan bahkan lebih," terangnya.

Gempa 5,4 SR Guncang Bengkulu

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com -  Gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,4 skala richter mengguncang wilayah Bengkulu, Selasa (21/8/2012), pukul 10:09:37 WIB. Berdasarkan laporan di situs Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) gempa dengan kedalaman 17 kilometer ini tidak berpotensi tsunami.

Disebutkan, gempa berpusat di 4.94 lintang selatan - 102.81 bujur timur, atau 73 kilometer barat daya Bengkulu Selatan, 76 kilometer barat daya Kaur-Bengkulu , 104 kilometer barat daya Pagaraalam, Sumatera Selatan, 146 kilometer tenggara bengkulu atau 462 kilometer barat laut Jakarta.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Kapolda Kumpulkan Tokoh Masyarakat Redam Konflik

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PALU, KOMPAS.com - Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Sulawesi Tengah Brigjen Pol Dewa Parsana akan mengumpulkan tokoh masyarakat yang ada di sejumlah desa di Kabupaten Sigi yang terlibat konflik guna meredam bentrok susulan.

Dewa Parsana di Sigi, Senin, mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya belum bisa menemukan tokoh desa atau kepala desa agar bisa menghentikan pertikaian antarwarga.

Menurutnya, konflik antarwarga itu lebih tepat diselesaikan oleh tokoh adat atau kepala desa yang mengerti kondisi warganya. "Polisi hanya bertugas mengamankan dan memberikan fasilitas," kata Dewa Parsana, Senin (20/8/2012).

Dia juga berharap bentrok tidak meluas dengan mengatasnamakan suku atau agama tertentu. Warga di Kecamatan terdiri atas suku Kaili namun terdiri subetnis yang memiliki bahasa yang berbeda.

Saat ini bentrok sudah melibatkan warga dari lima desa berbeda, padahal awalnya hanya melibatkan dua desa bertetangga yakni Padende dan Binangga.

Bentrok bermula dari seorang warga yang dihadang saat melintas di Desa Beka. Korban penghadangan itu kemudian melapor ke rekannya, dan terjadilah bentrokan.

Bentrok telah menimbulkan seorang korban tewas, dan sejumlah rumah terbakar. Warga terlibat bentrok memprsenjatai diri dengan tombak, parang, panah, bom molotov, dan senjata api rakitan.

Kapolda Dewa Parsana juga mengimbau kepada masyarakat untuk tenang dan tidak terpancing emosi agar tidak menjadi korban bentrok.

Dia juga meminta masyarakat untuk masuk ke dalam rumah masing-masing karena situasi sudah kondusif.

Saat ini sekitar 300 personel polisi dan TNI masih bersiaga di titik-titik tertentu yang diduga bisa terjadi konflik. Lokasi bentrok sendiri hanya berjarak ratusan meter dari Polsek Marawola dan Koramil Marawola.

Bentrok Lagi, Pemuda Pakai Bom Molotov

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TERNATE, KOMPAS.com - Dua kelompok pemuda di Kelurahan Mangga Dua dan Toboko Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara kembali bentrok, Senin (20/8/2012)  malam. Sesama pemuda di dua kelurahan itu saling serang menggunakan panah wayar dan batu. Mereka bahkan menggunakan bom molotov untuk mendesak lawannya. Akibat bentrok itu, salah seorang pemuda dari kelurahan Mangga Dua dilarikan ke rumah sakit karena terkena anak panah di bagian punggungnya.

Peristiwa ini merupakan buntut dari aksi saling serang dua hari sebelumnya pada saat malam takbiran. Sebelumnya, beberapa bulan lalu kedua kelompok sempat didamaikan setelah tawuran yang mengakibatkan puluhan orang luka-luka.

Kedua kelompok ini saling serang di kawasan reklamasi pantai kelurahan Mangga Dua setelah dua hari lalu saling melempari batu di jalan raya perbatasan kedua kelurahan.

Perisitiwa berawal dari pelemparan botol bekas oleh dua orang pengendara motor ke arah pangkalan ojek milik pemuda Mangga Dua. Tak terima dengan aksi  itu, kelompok pemuda Mangga Dua yang duduk di pangkalan ojek langsung menyerang kelompok pemuda Toboko yang ada di kawasan reklamasi pantai.

Serangan itu disertai pelemparan molotovAkibatnya, pelemparan bom molotov sehingga mengakibatkan kebakaran rumah milik Muhammad Ali di kompleks Kelapa Pendek Kelurahan Mangga Dua. Untungnya, pemilik rumah berhasil memadamkan api yang merembet ke bagian dapurnya.

Aparat keamanan dari Kompi Senapan (Kipan) A Yonif 732, berhasil membubarkan kelompok pemuda yang bertikai. Hingga pagi ini, suasana Kota Ternate kembali kondusif. Namun aparat keamanan dari 1 SST Kipan A Yonif 732 Banau dan 2 SST Brimobda Polda Malut masih melakukan penjagaan di kawasan perbatasan kedua kelurahan untuk mengantisipasi bentrok susulan. Atas peristiwa ini, empat orang pemuda dari kelurahan Mangga Dua kini diamankan di Mapolres Ternate untuk dimintai keterangan.

Tantowi Yahya Siap Dicalonkan Jadi Gubernur Sumsel

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Fungsionaris Partai Golkar, Tantowi Yahya, menyatakan kesiapannya untuk dicalonkan kembali sebagai kandidat gubernur Sumatera Selatan. Meski pernah gagal dalam pencalonan tahun 2008 lalu, Tantowi menyatakan akan terus mencoba untuk menjadi pemimpin di daerah asalnya.

"Pilkada Sumsel? Insya Allah siap," sahut Tantowi kepada wartawan di kediaman Ketua Fraksi Partai Golkar DPR RI Setya Novanto, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (20/8/2012) malam.

Ia menjelaskan, sebagaimana prosedur yang dijalani partainya selama ini, pencalonan seseorang akan didahului survei terkait tingkat keterkenalan (popularitas) dan tingkat keterpilihan (elektabilitas). Selain itu, masih diperlukan restu dari partai dan masyarakat setempat.

"Kita lihat hasil survei dulu. Kalau rakyat mendukung dan partai mendorong, kenapa tidak," tegas pria yang sempat masuk bursa pencalonan gubernur DKI Jakarta dari Partai Golkar.

Tantowi bersama saudaranya, Helmy Yahya, sebelumnya pernah masuk persaingan menuju kursi Sumsel 1 pada 2008. Namun, kedua selebriti itu gagal memenangkan pilihan warga Sumsel.

Terkait kegagalannya di Sumsel ataupun di Jakarta, Tantowi menyatakan tidak akan jera dan tetap siap bersaing dalam kontestasi pilkada. "Kita kan selalu ingin mencoba terus," ujar Tantowi.

Pilkada Sumsel akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2013. Selain Tantowi, tokoh yang cukup berpengaruh dan berpotensi diusung Golkar adalah calon petahana Alex Noerdin, yang sudah gagal dalam Pilkada DKI. Belum diperoleh informasi nama siapa yang akan diusung partai berlambang pohon beringin itu.

Jumlah Pemudik NTT Tidak Signifikan

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KUPANG, KOMPAS.com -- Jumlah pemudik di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) tidak signifikan dibanding jumlah pemudik di Jawa. Jumlah warga muslim di NTT hanya sekitar 600.000 orang dari total jumlah penduduk 4,7 juta jiwa. Jumlah 600.000 jiwa itu pun sebagian besar atau 60 persen adalah warga dari luar, yakni pedagang, pengusaha dan nelayan. Penduduk lokal hanya sekitar 40 persen, tetapi tersebar di 21 kabupaten/kota.

Kepala Dinas Perhubungan NTT Bruno Kupok mengatakan, lonjakan pemudik di NTT tidak signifikan, tidak banyak. NTT bukan daerah mayoritas muslim.

"Memang ada warga muslim dari daerah lain, seperi Jawa, Sulawesi, dan Sumatera serta NTB, tetapi mereka kebanyakan memilih merayakan lebaran di Kupang. Kalau mereka pergi, suasana lebaran di sini sepi. Jadi yang mudik atau pulang kampung hanya warga muslim penduduk lokal, misalnya dari Kupang ke Flores Timur, Alor, atau Ende," tutur Bruno, Kamis (16/8/2012) di Kupang.

Meski jumlah kaum muslim terbatas tetapi suasana lebaran di provinsi dan kabupaten di NTT tetap semarak, khidmat, dan penuh nuansa religius. Kondisi ini juga diperkuat dengan sikap toleransi tinggi antara warga muslim dan Kristen di NTT. Hubungan tali persaudaraan itu sangat kuat. Di dalam satu keluarga, ada warga muslim, juga ada Kristen sehingga kekerabatan itu begitu kental.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Warga NTT Memilih Bekerja di Provinsi Lain

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KOMPAS/ALBERTUS HENDRIYO WIDI Sejumlah pencari kerja mengunjungi sebuah stan Bursa Kerja Kudus 2012 di Gedung Wanita Ngasirah, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (13/7/2012). Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja, dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Kudus mencatat pada Januari-Juni 2012 terdapat 4.637 tenaga kerja di Kudus. Namun lowongan kerja yang tersedia hanya 1.260 lowongan.

KUPANG, KOMPAS.com-Sebanyak 1.182 warga Nusa Tenggara Timur dalam tahun ini dikirim ke sejumlah provinsi sebagai tenaga kerja. Mereka kebanyakan bekerja di perkebunan dan pembantu rumah tangga.

Kepala Bagian Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi NTT Abraham Jumina di Kupang, Kamis (16/8/2012) mengatakan, pengiriman 1.182 tenaga kerja itu antara lain ke Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Barat, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Selatan dan DKI Jakarta. "Kami melakukan penawaran dan ternyata  daerah tersebut membutuhkan pekerja, jadi mereka dikirim ke sana. Kalau ke Kalimantan dan Sulawesi kebanyakan bekerja di perkebunan sedangkan ke DKI Jakarta sebagai pembantu rumah tangga," kata Abraham.

Ia mengatakan, potensi tenaga kerja di NTT sangat besar tetapi lowongan kerja terbatas. Kebanyakan calon tenaga kerja mencari kerja secara ilegal di provinsi lain, tetapi sering bermasalah. " Seperti yang dialami sekitar 250 calon tenaga kerja ke Papua tahun 2010 yang rencananya dipekerjakan di perkebunan kelapa sawit, ternyata tidak ada pekerjaan itu. Lalu memunculkan sejumlah masalah di Jayapura sehingga pemprov NTT turun tangan menyelesaikan masalah itu," ujarnya.

Jumlah pencari kerja di NTT saat ini mencapai 125.000 orang dan diprediksi terus bertambah karena lowongan pekerjaan di NTT terbatas. Dari jumlah 125.000 pencari kerja ini, 30.000 lebih diantaranya adalah lulusan sarjana dan diploma. Selain 1.182 pekerja antardaerah, sudah ada ribuan tenaga kerja diberangkatkan ke luar negeri. Kebanyakan mereka sebagai tenaga kerja ilegal, sedangkan tenaga kerja legal hanya 10.000-an saja.

Pemudik Terus Mengalir di Cikampek

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Kompas/Harry Susilo Petugas kepolisian mengalihkan kendaraan yang keluar dari gerbang tol Cikampek menuju Sadang di pertigaan Cikopo, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Kamis (16/8/2012) sore. Pengalihan dilakukan jika lalu lintas di Simpang Jomin padat.

CIKOPO, KOMPAS.com -- Kendaraan pemudik terus mengalir keluar di gerbang tol Cikampek, Cikopo, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Kamis (16/8/2012). Untuk itu, kepolisian memberlakukan sistem buka-tutup jalur menuju Simpang Jomin.

Pengalihan lalu lintas menuju Sadang karena terjadi penumpukan kendaraan di Simpang Jomin yang mengular hingga pertigaan Cikopo. "Pengalihan bersifat situasional. Jika antrean sudah sampai pertigaan Cikopo petugas langsung mengalihkan," kata Kepala Polres Purwakarta Ajun Komisaris Besar Bahtiar Ujang Purnama, di Gerbang Tol Cikampek.

Selain pengalihan di pertigaan Cikopo, polisi juga mengalihkan lalu lintas kendaraan di kilometer 66 ke ruas tol Purbaleunyi dan diarahkan keluar di gerbang tol Sadang, Purwakarta menuju jalur tengah.

"Kalau Sadang juga padat, kami alihkan ke jalur selatan melalui gerbang tol Cileunyi," ujar Bahtiar.

Sejauh ini, arus lalu lintas di gerbang tol Cikampek terus mengalir meskipun tersendat. Kepolisian bertindak cepat mengalihkan lalu lintas saat terjadi kepadatan di jalur pantura.

Obyek Wisata Orangutan Ditutup, Turis Dirugikan

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KOMPAS/LUKAS ADI PRASETYA Program Samboja Lestari, di kawasan ekowisata terbatas milik Yayasan Penyelamatan Orangutan Borneo (BOS) di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, memiliki 224 individu orang utan yang direhabilitasi.

KUTAI KARTANEGARA, KOMPAS.com-Akses fasilitas satwa orangutan pada Program Samboja Lestari , di kawasan ekowisata terbatas milik Yayasan Borneo Orangutan Survidal Foundation, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, ditutup sementara karena akses jalan diperbaiki.

Namun penutupan tanpa pemberitahuan tersebut, menuai kritik dari pelaku pariwisata. "Kami sudah membawa wisatawan asing. Sudah sampai ke penjagaan petugas keamanan, tapi dilarang masuk. Hanya dikatakan, kawasan ditutup. Ini pun mengherankan dan mengecewakan wisatawan,"  ujar Ketua Asosiasi Biro Perjalanan Wisata (Asita) Kalimantan, Joko Purwanto.

Menyikapi hal itu, Aschta Boestani Tajudin, Manager Program Samboja Lestari, meminta maaf. "Kami tidak menghitung dampaknya secara bisnis. Kami pun mengakui, kami kurang rapi dalam komunikasi internal," katanya.

Aschta menerangkan, penutupan hanya sementara sampai setelah Lebaran, itu pun hanya akses ke satwa orangutan. Sedangkan Samboja Lestari dan Samboja Lodge tetap dibuka.

Samboja Lestari adalah program Yayasan BOS yang mencakup reintroduksi-rehabilitasi orangutan, rehabilitasi lahan kritis dan suaka beruang madu. Adapun Samboja Lodge merupakan penginapan. Wisatawan masih bisa mengakses ke beruang madu. "Melihat orangutan juga masih bisa, meski dari jarak jauh memakai teropong," ujar dia.

Mengenai perbaikan akses jalan, menurut Aschta, antara lain pembuatan jalan setapak dari Samboja Lodge ke Pulau 5, salah satu dari enam pulau buatan di sana. Demi rehabilitasi dan pelepasliaran, orangutan yang tak mungkin lagi dilepasliarkan, ditempatkan di pulau tersebut. Sebelumnya, wisatawan masih bisa melihat orangutan di Pulau 5 dan Pulau 6.

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Tiga Napi Kasus Jembatan Kukar Terima Remisi Ganda

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Tribun Kaltim/Dwi Ardianto Jembatan Mahakam II yang melintasi Sungai Mahakam dan membentang antara Kota Tenggarong dan Tenggarong Seberang, Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar), Kalimantan Timur, runtuh Sabtu (26/11/2011) sore.

TENGGARONG, KOMPAS.com - Tiga narapidana kasus ambruknya Jembatan Kutai Kartanegara, Yoyo Suriana, Setiono dan M Syahriar Fakhrurrozi, yang divonis masing-masing satu tahun penjara oleh Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Tenggarong pada 6 Juni 2012 lalu, akan mendapat remisi ganda.

Selain mendapat remisi umum yang diberikan pada peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus, mereka juga mendapatkan remisi khusus saat perayaan Idul Fitri.  "Ketiga napi kasus ambruknya jembatan Kukar mendapat remisi umum (RU1) 1 bulan dan remisi khusus (RK1) 15 hari. Sehingga mereka menerima remisi 1,5 bulan," ujar Mudo Mulyanto, Kepala Seksi Pembinaan dan Kegiatan Kerja, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Sedangkan jumlah napi yang mendapat remisi khusus berjumlah 269 orang, 9 orang di antaranya langsung bebas. Remisi khusus ini diberikan untuk pengurangan masa hukuman mulai 15 hari sampai 2 bulan.

Tribun Kaltim

Curi Pakaian, Gadis 17 Tahun Nyaris Dihakimi Warga

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KOMPAS.com/ ABDUL HAQ Bersama barang bukti, Ni (17) digelandang aparat Polres Bone Sulawesi Selatan setelah nyaris dihakimi warga lantaran kepergok mencuri pakaian. Kamis, (16/08/2012).

BONE, KOMPAS.com - Tertangkap tangan mencuri sebuah dompet dan sejumlah pakaian, Ni, seorang gadis remaja berusia 17 tahun, di Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan nyaris dihakimi warga. Beruntung, aparat Kepolisian Resor Bone segera tiba di lokasi dan langsung mengamankan pelaku.

Peristiwa yang terjadi sekira pukul 12.00 WITA, Senin (16/8/2012) di Jalan Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Kelurahan Macanang, Kecamatan Taneteriattang Barat ini mengundang perhatian warga sekitar. Warga menduga pelaku telah kerap kali melakukan pencurian, lantaran sejak beberapa hari terakhir warga kerap kehilangan pakaian di jemuran.

Ada pula salah seorang korban yang menyaksikan langsung pelaku memasuki kamarnya dan mengambil dompetnya. "Saya liat dia masuk di kamarku dan ambil dompetku tapi kosong isinya jadi dia buang di teras," ujar Jusma, saksi mata yang juga korban.

Pelaku adalah warga Kota Palopo, Luwu. Ia terus menangis saat diamankan di rumah warga. Ia mengaku baru seminggu keluar dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas II B Bone karena kasus pencurian tahun 2011 silam. "Baru satu minggu saya keluar dari lembaga dan mau pulang kampung, tapi tidak ada uangku," ujar Ni, kepada polisi.

Meski demikian, pelaku tetap digelandang ke Mapolres Bone untuk dimintai keterangan. "Sementara ini kami masih selidiki, apakah betul ada barang warga yang hilang atau jangan sampai hanya tuduhan dan memang ini anak baru keluar dari penjara dan tidak punya tempat tinggal di Bone," kata Ipda Muh. Nasir, Kepala Unit Sentra Pelayanan Kemasyarakatan (Ka SPK) Polres Bone.

Tubuh Tiga Korban Ledakan Dikubur Satu Lubang

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KOMPAS.com/YATIMUL AINUN Beberapa tim SAR Trenggana Kabupaten Malang menemukan potongan tubuh isteri Ponari, peracik bahan petasan yang juga ikut tewas. Mereka adalah warga Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (15/8/2012).

MALANG, KOMPAS.com -- Berakhir sudah pencarian potongan tubuh yang dilakukan warga, sanak saudara dan tetangga tiga korban ledakan bahan petasan di rumah Ponari di Desa Ngingit, Kecamatan Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Kini potongan tubuh ketiga korban itu dikubur dalam satu lubang.

Ketiga korban ledakan bahan petasan tersebut adalah Ponari (50), isterinya, Listiana dan keponakan sekaligus pegawainya, Sodikin.

"Setelah sebagian potongan tubuh terkumpul, langsung dikubur. Potongan tubuh tiga korban itu dikubur dalam satu lubang," kata Camat Tumpang Edi Susanto dihubungi Kompas.com (16/8/2012) sore.

Menurut Edi, rencana awal ketiga potongan ketiga tubuh korban ledakan itu akan dimakamkan pada Kamis (16/8/2012) siang, karena masih menunggu proses pencarian lanjutan. Setelah tim dari kepolisian dan Labfor Polda Jatim menghentikan pencarian, warga dan keluarga korban ikut mencari potongan tubuh ketiga korban.

"Kondisi jasadnya sudah tak berbentuk, maka ketiga tubuh korban dimakamkan hanya dalam satu liang lahat. Dimakamkan Rabu (15/8/2012) malam," aku Edi.

Sebelumnya, jenazah korban dibawa ke kamar mayat RSU Saiful Anwar Malang untuk diidentifikasi. Setelah itu, korban langsung diserahkan ke pihak keluarga untuk dimakamkan.

Sementara itu, data yang berhasil dihimpun pihak kecamatan, jumlah bangunan di sekitar lokasi kejadian yang rusak ringan karena terkena dampak ledakan, tercatat sebanyak 20 bangunan. Sebelumnya dilaporkan rumah rusak sebanyak 13 unit.

"Setelah diketahui ada 20 rumah, diketahui nilai kerugian diperkirakan mencapai Rp 50 juta," katanya.

Hingga saat ini, pihak Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang masih belum memastikan akan memberikan dana kepada para korban. "Masih akan dibicarakan dengan pihak Kabupaten Malang," katanya.

Pemudik Terganggu Debu Pantura Rembang- Pati

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Penulis : Alb. Hendriyo Widi Ismanto | Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012 | 16:13 WIB

PATI, KOMPAS.com - Para pemudik yang melewati jalan pantai utara atau pantura Rembang-Pati, Jawa Tengah, terganggu debu jalan. Gangguan debu itu berada di lokasi perbaikan jalan, terutama bagian jalan yang belum dibeton.

Lokasi jalan pantura yang berdebu ada di ruas Kecamatan Batangan dan Juwana, Pati, serta ruas Kecamatan Kaliori, Rembang. Debu beterbangan dan mengaburkan jarak pandang ketika bus-bus dan truk sedang melalui jalur itu.

Berdasarkan pantauan Kamis (16/8/2012), debu paling kerap mengganggu pemudik sepeda motor. Mereka berkali-kali harus mengurangi kecepatan kendaraan ketika debu beterbangan.

Di beberapa titik lokasi itu, rekanan Dinas Bina Marga Jawa Tengah memang telah menyiram jalan yang berdebu. Namun panas terik di sepanjang jalan pantura menyebabkan siraman air itu cepat mengering.

"Debu benar-benar sangat mengganggu. Kami berharap penanggung jawab proyek menyiram jalan itu sesering mungkin," kata Sutanto (35), pemudik pengguna sepeda motor asal Rembang.

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Ditinggal Mudik, 8 Rumah Ludes Terbakar

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petugas pemadam bersama warga berusaha memadamkan api yang melalap 8 rumah di kabupaten toraja utara, sulawesi selatan

TORAJA UTARA, KOMPAS.com - Ditinggal mudik pemiliknya, delapan unit rumah di Jalan Mappanyukki, Kelurahan Malanggo, Kecamatan Rantepao, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, ludes dilalap api, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Ratusan warga bersama petugas pemadam kebakaran, berusaha memadamkan kobaran api. Namun kobaran yang mulai muncul sekira pukul 13.00 Wita itu merambat dengan cepat karena dibarengi tiupan angin kencang. Dalam beberapa menit, api sudah menjalar ke rumah di sebelahnya, hingga akhirnya delapan rumah rata dengan tanah.

"Api tiba-tiba muncul di rumah milik Hj Rahma, dan semakin membesar hingga menghanguskan tujuh rumah lainnya," ungkap Yustin, yang ikut panik menyelamatkan barang di rumahnya.

Yustin menambahkan, jika rumah tempat asal api memang kosong karena ditinggal mudik pemiliknya sejak beberapa hari lalu. Kobaran api dapat diatasi, setelah delapan unit mobil pemadam kebakaran diterjunkan ke lokasi kebakaran. Sementara, aparat kepolisian Polres Tana Toraja, melakukan penyidikan terkait kebakaran tersebut. Dugaan sementara, api berasal dari arus pendek listrik (korsleting).

Titik Panas di Kaltim Bukan Kebakaran Hutan

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PASER, KOMPAS.com -- Titik-titik panas (hot spot) yang terpantau di Kalimantan Timur sepanjang 2012 hingga pertengahan Agustus, tidak ada yang disebabkan kebakaran hutan. Mayoritas disebabkan pembakaran lahan non wilayah konservasi untuk tujuan bertani/berladang. Dengan kata lain, itu merupakan pembakaran terkendali.

Titik panas pada Agustus 2012 misalnya, telah terpantau 143 titik. Sedangkan dua bulan sebelumnya, pada Juni dan Juli tercatat 141 dan 170 titik. "Jumlah titik panas pada Juli, sangat besar terlampaui bulan ini," ujar HM Faisal, Kepala Brigade Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan Daerah Operasi Kabupaten Paser, Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Kaltim, yang membawahi seluruh wilayah Kaltim.

Faisal menjelaskan, satelit mendefinisikan satu titik api ketika mendetektesi api di sebuah lahan dengan estimasi ukuran lahan terbakar 1,1 km x 1,1 km. "Pengamatan via satelit ini menjadi dasar dilakukan tindakan, misalnya pengecekan ke lapangan. Lahan yang terbakar ini, menyebabkan efek kabut asap," katanya.

Gubernur Maluku Pimpin HUT RI di Pulau Terluar

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MOROTAI, KOMPAS.com- Gubernur Maluku Utara Thaib Armayn dipastikan memimpin upacara peringatan hari ulang tahun (HUT) ke-67 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di Pulau Morotai, Provinsi Maluku Utara pada Jumat (17/8/2012) besok.

Peringatan HUT Kemerdekaan RI di Morotai diprakarsai pula oleh Tim Kerja Pelaksana Peraturan Presiden Nomor 78 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengembangan Pulau-pulau Kecil Terluar.

Kepastian Gubernur Maluku Utara yang akan memimpin itu disampaikan Marina dari Humas Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, yang juga anggota Tim Kerja Perpres No. 78/2005 di Morotai, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Upacara itu juga akan dihadiri sejumlah pejabat dari Jakarta, antara lain Direktur Jenderal Kelautan, Pesisir, Pulau-pulau Kecil Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Sudirman Saad. Sebagai rangkaian peringatan HUT ke-67 Kemerdekaan RI di Morotai, nanti malam digelar renungan malam di Taman Makam Pahlawan Morotai.

Sudirman Saad menjelaskan, upacara HUT Kemerdekaan RI di Morotai itu, adalah yang keempat dari rangkaian perayaan HUT Kemerdekaan RI di pulau kecil terluar atau di perbatasan. Acara itu diadakan sebagai wujud kehadiran pemerintah dan negara Indonesia di pulau terluar itu.

Upacara HUT Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di pulau terluar dilakukan sejak tahun 2009. Untuk kali pertama kegiatan itu diadakan di Pulau Marore di Sulawesi Utara, lalu tahun 2010 di Pulau Kisar (Maluku), dan tahun 2011 di Pulau Lingayan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah.

Kegiatan itu akan terus dilanjutkan, termasuk melibatkan generasi muda sebagai bagian dari menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme.

Segera Dibangun Posko Pengaduan THR

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Ilustrasi: Posko pengaduan THR yang berada di kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan.

KUPANG, KOMPAS.com- Segera dibangun pos komando (posko) pengaduan tunjangan hari raya di Kota Kupang. Selama ini pengaduan THR  dilakukan secara perorangan di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi.

Kepala Bagian Penyelesaian Perselihan Tenaga Kerja dan Remunerasi Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi NTT Arzad Ali di Kupang, Kamis (16/8/2012) mengatakan, pengaduan THR  tahun ini hanya dua kasus.

"Tetapi saya langsung sarankan agar langsung ke dinas tenaga kerja dan transmigrasi kota Kupang. Sebenarnya, banyak kasus terkait pembayaran THR tetapi tenaga kerja bersikap diam atau tidak tahu harus mengadu ke mana," kata Ali.

Selain itu pekerja muslim di NTT sangat sedikit sehingga sulit terpantau. Kebanyakan pekerja adalah warga kristiani. Meski muslim atau kristen, mereka wajib mendapat THR sesuai ketentuan.

Ia menegaskan, mulai Desember 2012 akan dibangun posko pengaduan THR di provinsi dan kabupaten. Posko pengaduan THR akan disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat luas.

Pekerja yang merasa dirugikan dapat mengadu ke posko itu. Pekerja yang berhak mendapatkan THR adalah mereka yang bekerja pada perusahaan. Hanya pembantu rumah tangga tidak masuk. Tetapi sopir pribadi dan pekerja lain selain pembantu rumah tangga tetap mendapat THR.

THR dibayar bisa satu kali gaji atau setengah dari gaji yang diterima setiap bulan. Pembayaran THR dilakukan sebelum hari raya.

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Pikap Hajar Motor, Satu Orang Pingsan

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KOMPAS.com/ ABDUL HAQ Sami (55) akhirnya dievakuasi oleh sejumlah warga setelah motor yang dikendarai oleh suaninya diseruduk oleh roda empat, Kamis (16/8/2012).

BONE, KOMPAS.com -- Kecelakaan lalu lintas terjadi di perlintasan arus mudik Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, tepatnya di titik di Desa Paroto, Kecamatan Barebbo, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Sebuah mobil pikap bernomor polisi DD 8038 WZ yang dikemudikan Asmar (25) menghajar motor Yamaha Jupiter DD 2735 WJ yang dikendarai Sampara (56) berboncengan dengan isterinya, Sami (55). Sami langsung terpental sejauh 15 meter dan langsung pingsan. Sejumlah warga di lokasi kejadian segera menolong Sami yang awalnya diduga tewas di tempat.

"Ini mobil kencang sekali pak, langsung dia tabrak orang dari belakang, untung tidak mati," kata Anto, salah seorang warga.

Sementara Sampara yang merupakan warga Desa Palangka, Kecamatan Sinjai Selatan, Kabupaten Sinjai ini hanya menderita lecet pada kaki dan lengannya.

Setelah beberapa menit terkapar dan mendapat pertolongan dari warga setempat, Sami akhirnya dilarikan ke pusat kesehatan masyarakat (puskesmas) setempat untuk mendapatan perwatan medis lantaran belum tersadarkan diri. Sementara pengendara mobil langsung diamankan polisi bersama kendaraannya.

Pelni Tambah Dua Kapal

AppId is over the quota
ILUSTRASI : PT Pelni tidak memberlakukan kanaikan tarif menjelang Lebaran kali ini.

BALIKPAPAN, KOMPAS.com-Untuk melayani para pemudik, PT Pelni Balikpapan , Kalimantan Timur menambah dua jadwal keberangkatan yakni ke Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, serta Surabaya, Jawa Timur, pada 17 Agustus besok.

Tambahan dua kapal diperkirakan cukup untuk menampung lonjakan pemudik. "Kapal tujuan ke Surabaya merupakan kapal regular kami, sedangkan kapal tujuan Makassar kami ambil dari Makassar. Kapasitas angkut satu kapal ini 3.000 orang lebih. Jadi, cukup banyak untuk menampung," ujar Sukendra, Kepala Cabang PT Pelni Balikapapan.

Nengah Suryana, Manajer Pelayanan Barang dan Aneka Usaha PT Pelindo -selaku operator di Pelabuhan Semayang, Balikpapan-memprediksi puncak arus mudik terjadi pada 14 dan 17 Agustus. Tanggal itu adalah hari keberangkatan kapal-kapal milik PT Pelni yang berkapasitas besar. Rute paling ramai, utamanya memang tujuan Surabaya dan Makassar.

Lebaran, 116 Napi di Jateng Bakal Bebas

AppId is over the quota
KOMPAS.com/PUJI UTAMI Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kanwil Kemenkumham) Jawa Tengah, Muqowimul Aman.

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com -- Sebanyak 116 narapidana (napi) di Jawa Tengah akan dinyatakan bebas karena mendapatkan remisi khusus (RK) II pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 Hijriyah atau tahun 2012.  Sedangkan 4.280 napi masih tetap akan menjalani sisa hukuman dengan mendapatkan remisi khusus (RK) I. Sementara jumlah keseluruhan napi yang mendapat remisi yakni 4.396 orang.  

Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kanwil Kemenkumham) Jawa tengah Muqowimul Aman mengatakan, para napi tersebut berasal dari 24 lembaga pemasyarakatan (Lapas) dan 20 rumah tahanan (rutan) di Jawa Tengah. Pemberian remisi didasarkan pada Pasal 14 UU Nomor 12/1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan.  

"Pemberian remisi akan dilakukan secara serentak saat Lebaran di masing-masing lapas dan rutan, remisi yang diberikan antara 1 hingga 6 bulan," ungkapnya Kamis (16/8/2012).  

Remisi untuk momentum hari Lebaran ini diberikan pada napi yang memeluk agama Islam dan selama satu tahun terakhir berkelakuakn baik dan disiplin sesuai dengan aturan. Ia mengatakan tahun ini merupakan tahun yang cukup spesial bagi para napi karena mendapatkan remisi HUT RI dan Idul Fitri dalam waktu yang berdekatan.  

Sementara itu di LP Kelas I Kedungpane, Semarang tercatat sebanyak 412 napi yang akan mendapatkan remisi Lebaran, dan 11 di antaranya akan dinyatakan bebas karena menerima RK II.  

Kepala LP Kelas I Kedungpane Semarang, Ibnu Chuldun mengatakan Lebaran kali ini LP Kedungpane juga memberikan remisi kepada 128 napi tindak pidana khusus. Dengan rincian napi tindak pidana korupsi sebanyak 23 orang, tindak pidana narkotika 99 orang, tindak pidana perdagangan orang sebanyak 4 orang dan remisi untuk napi tindak pidana terorisme diberikan kepada 2 orang.

"Terdapat satu napi yang langsung bisa bebas pada Lebaran nanti, yakni dari tindak pidana narkotika," tuturnya.

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Repatriated, PSK in Dupak Live 105 People

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com — as many as 18 commercial sex workers (PSK) on localization, Bangunsari, Surabaya Dupak returned to his hometown, Thursday (16/8/2012) at around 10.00 am. This is the second repatriation in the month of Ramadan, after on 9 August, 15 people from the same PSK localization also repatriated.

Head of Social services and Social Rehabilitation Office of East Java, said Budi Yuwono complex PSK discharged comes from a number of areas in Java, such as Indonesia, and Sidoarjo, Bojonegoro. Before leaving home, they signed a letter the revelation. It will not return to the world of prostitution and the black Valley.

"Despite already making declarations, we will continue to monitor them, whether declarations diteken diugemi or not," said Budi.

The head of the Bureau of the well-being of East Java, with Adhiyitoni adding Bawon repatriation dipulangkannya 18 people, the number of COMMERCIAL SEX WORKERS in localization Dupak Bangunsari PSK is now left about 105 people. The provincial Government of East Java, said Bawon, hoping the remaining in PSK 2012 could be repatriated all to their respective hometown.


Rich businessman in Indonesia Zakah Usd 1.3 Billion

SOLAR/Ahmad Amr Representative Priests Mukhayat handing out zakat to the citizens of Shah whose value reached Usd 1.3 billion, in Indonesia, Thursday (16/8/2012).

NGANJUK, KOMPAS.com -owner Shoots PT Jaya Abadi (TJA) Group, Mukhayat Imam Shah Indonesia this year valued at $ 1,318 out zakat billion. Zakat zakat consists of rice worth Rp 691,5 million or reach 94,728 tons, worth 6.388 Holster cut or Rp 255,5 mln. There's more fabric as much as 825 stel, parcel or package valued at $ 923 98.7 million, and bisaroh or money worth Usd 197,550 million.

"The value of zakat from the Pack Mukhayat this year increased approximately USD 100 million," said Supriono, Publicist Shoots PT Jaya Abadi Group Indonesia, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Division of zakat from the owner of nine companies are scattered throughout Indonesia, said Supriono, take precedence to the residents in the vicinity of the location of companies spread across a number of areas. Starting from Kediri, Indonesia, Surabaya, Bandung, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya and others. "But for most areas of Indonesia's zakatnya Division or reach about 30 per cent of the total value of zakat issued this year," said Supriono.

Recognized Supriono, zakat Division of PT TJA Group more focused to the communities surrounding the location of the company. Thus through zakat was expected to help the company's existence could be in surrounding communities celebrate the feast of Eid al-Fitr Islamic 1433. "In addition, with zakat can cultivate hospitality rope between the company and citizens about the location of the company," said Supriono.


Refuse Vehicles Piled in to divert, the toll booth Cikampek

Occurs in Cikampek toll gate buildup, because riders refuse redirected via Subang, West Java.

PURWAKARTA, KOMPAS.com- The number of users who do not want vehicles are diverted to the middle lines passing through Subang make vehicles pile up in Cikampek toll gate, Purwakarta, Thursday (16/8/2012), at about 14.50 pm. They stopped to wait for the return current is directed to archeologists.

The police must work hard give sense to the user not to stop in the street and asked to continue the journey.

Transfer of vehicles carried police because current vehicles that led to the North coast at Simpang Jomin hiccough, Karawang. Redirects can parse the current expected density around Simpang Jomin.

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

The President's speech is heard Only 10 minutes

NGANJUK, KOMPAS.com -Plenary Hall of the Government of Indonesia in the DPRD Nganjuk to listen State of the Union Speech President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono not quorum. In fact, due to the number of members of DPRD are present only 13 members of 50 members, Chairman of the LEGISLATIVE plenary meeting of freeing the participants to follow the speech for 10 minutes only.

Further Board members are welcome to leave a place, and listen to the President's speech in the House of each one. "For that we please follow the 10-minute speech," said Nurwadi Nurdin in plenary prior to the speech of President of RI, Thursday (16/8/2012).

As a result, after ten minutes of listening to the speech of the President, all members of the DPRD Indonesia immediately disperse and go home. But the entire executive officers in the District remained in place Nganjuk each to listen to the speech until the finish. "The President of RI Executive speech important enough, because at that time the Government issued a policy important forwards," said Abdul Wakid, head of public relations, Nganjuk District Government Thursday (16/8/2012).

Regarding the policy Chair of the DPRD Indonesia which dissolve after 10-minute speech, Abdul Wakid assess it outside the authority of the local Government of Indonesia. "Because the Council have the authority by the rules themselves," said Abdul Wakid.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the NGO Community care about public services (MPR), Cahyo Basuki Indonesia said, the behaviour of the DPRD Indonesia is very alarming.


Freeport Bus fired upon The unknown

COMPASS/B JOSIE SUSILO HARDIANTO Mine open the Grasberg mine is part of the volcano which has died. The mine has reserves of minerals such as copper and gold, which is quite large. The photo was taken, mines Friday (25/11/2011) that the plan will be discontinued operations penambangannya 2016. PT Freeport Indonesia will focus their operation in underground mines.

 JAYAPURA, KOMPAS.com– a bus belonging to PT Freeport Indonesia, Thursday (16/8/2012) fired upon an unidentified person at mile 40 when passing. There was no casualties in the shooting.

Shot glass it causes a bus smashed and serpihannya wounded bus driver. The shooting happened at around 06.45 WIT.

PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman Ramdani justifies the existence of such events Sirait. A driver who was injured has gotten medical treatment. Currently the police investigating such cases central.

Use Bajaj Pemudik arrived in Semarang

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com — a number of which are driving rickshaw already pemudik began to arrive in the city of Semarang, Thursday (16/8/2012). There are 8 bajaj which departed at the same time from the Cempaka Putih on Wednesday (15/8/2012).

One who wears a bajaj, pemudik Darto (45) the origin of Grobogan is exiles said they were from areas of Purwodadi and Starch that does most of the work as a towing bajaj in Jakarta. They are indeed planning a home together using bajaj.

"This is my second go use bajaj, yes more tasty. If tired Yes stop and rest, "he said while resting not far from Terminal Mangkang, Semarang.

Other riding Pemudik bajaj, a Tayu, Pati Mulyono says mudik using bajaj is cheaper. He is indeed the first time using bajaj as vehicles go. He always rode the bus to return home during Idul Fitri. "It costs cheaper, bensinnya only about USD 100 thousand to one bajaj," he said.

One bajaj with numerous people with 3 items brought. There is a single family of bajaj ridden there with her friends. He plans next year will go using bajaj again.

Based on the watch list, bajaj is not coming with coincided. However the distance to each other is not too far away, at a pace that is reasonably passable. There are also bajaj upon which was given a red flag and the flag of one of the white party and plastered stickers one Mayoral candidate pairs of DKI Jakarta.

In addition to using the riding bajaj, pemudik two-wheeled and four-wheeled began to enter the area of the city of Semarang. Traffic flow density observed occurred in morning and afternoon in the driveway to the city of Semarang, as well as the city centre which is getting jammed with vehicles that most out-of-town police numbered Aromaticum.

Traffic flow on the Cikampek toll road is still far from empty

Traffic on the road to Cikampek toll road, admits Purwakarta, West Java, Thursday (16/8/2012) at about 3: 30 P.M. still far from empty.

PURWAKARTA, KOMPAS.com-The flow of traffic on the motorway toll gates admits Cikampek, Purwakarta, at about 14.30 WIB has not seen solid, Thursday (16/8/2012). Vehicles could ride the vehicle above 100 km/h.

New vehicle choked up about 100 meters after the toll gates admits and exit tolls. Tersendatnya vehicle vehicle leads to due in part to the North Coast passing through simpang Jomin pearls and simpang.

Simpang Joming be one point due to congestion at the toll exit vehicle Cikampek Karawang meets with a vehicle from.

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Cileunyi Toll Observed Currents Go Smoothly

COMPASS/RONY ARIYANTO NUGROHO Mudik at Tailgate – the family origins of Cilacap Supriyatna, Central Java, berstirahat for a moment in the tailgate that is blown on the curb Barrels-Ciawi, Tasikmalaya, West Java, then go to his hometown of Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012). One tailgate this filled a variety of luggage including two motorcycles and blown with the allies mudik together 9 in one truck.

BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com -Line vehicle out in Cileunyi Toll Gates smoothly until Thursday observed (16/8/2012) in the afternoon. About 25,000 units of vehicles passing until 14.00 o'clock.

The articulated Head Cileunyi Toll Gate, Dede Purnama Maul. As much as the vehicle left the gate unit 15,076 toll while entering reached 11,500 units.
"Up to now, conditions are still without a hitch," said Dede.

With these figures, the number of vehicles that come out the gate admission numbers surpass Cileunyi average daily which usually reaches 23,000 units on a typical day and increased to 25,000 units over the weekend.

According to monitoring, Compass up to now still Nagreg smooth Line conditions. Create a policy of one-way Citaman Village to Cikaledong contribute vehicle smoothness is not accommodated in even though the effects due to the narrowing of the road agency Limbangan.

Two French Girls Red White Pencoret Released

White red flag affixed to a new article and images by Two citizens of France Dusaussoy Paulina Yuonne Aline, 19, and Julie,19 Motte Mercedes while picking up his colleague Livia at Ngurah Rai Airport, Tuesday (17/08/2012) is considered abusive countries. Second principal symbol and Flag has now secured the Airport Ngurah Rai Mapolsek KP3 for further investigation.

DENPASAR, KOMPAS.com — Two French girls, Dusaussoy Paulina Yuonne Aline (19) and Motte Julie Mercedes Livia (19) which secured apparatus Polsek KP3 Ngurah Rai Airport, Monday (13/08/2012) then for allegedly harassing white red flag finally released because it was not found guilty.

Paulina and Julie who left Investigators Wednesday yesterday admitted had no intention of harassing flag red white and did not know if their actions offensive to the citizens of Indonesia. "Not proven the existence of desecration, already liberated," said Publicist Kasubag Polresta Denpasar, AKP Ida Bagus Made Scholars when confirmed, Thursday (16/08/2012).

Of the examination results, both the police girl bought a red flag that many white sale at roadside clear HUT RI August 17. To welcome his friend named Bastian aka Sebah will come from Kuala Lumpur, the two girls are then write down the name and emblem of the heart to a new two-part white flag. Paulina and Julie utilize only white red flag to welcome a new and no other purpose.

As reported, two Frenchmen Secured apparatus Investigators KP3 Denpasar Airport because it is considered abusive white red flag, Tuesday (17/08/2012). At around 21.20 Pm both actors Paulina Yuonne Aline Dusaussoy, (19) and Motte Julie Mercedes Livia (19) are the airport Ngurah Rai to pick up their friends to a new alias in the Bastian's journey from Kuala Lumpur using Air asia AK 1366.

While waiting in the passenger pickup area for international arrivals Terminal, both actors unfurled flag of Indonesia (red and white), where on the flag there is a NEW article on the Flag are white and 2 (two) a heart-shaped picture tacked on top of a NEW writing.

A number of residents who could not see it due to the comfortable judged abusive, report to members of the Investigators I Putu Aiptu KP3 Gst Sudiana which is not far from the location. I Putu Aiptu Gst then secure both actors Sudiana and bring it to the Office of Investigators for questioning KP3 Ngurah Rai caption.

Nurses to share Cake Independent to Pemudik

KOMPAS.com/SUDDIN SYAMSUDDIN Welcome anniversary 67 RI, a number of nurses are Agus Arifin Nu?man baking gelatin merah putih to be given to the patient and hospital crosses pemudik.

SIDRAP, KOMPAS.com — to greet the Birthday To – 67 Republic Indonesia, a number of nurses in public hospitals (HOSPITALS) Agus Arifin Nu?man, Sidrap District, South Sulawesi, create a jelly cake with the colors red and white.

Thousands of red-colored cake wrapped in white berasama mineral water. Then in the bundle are affixed to the plastic red and white is written the name of the cake becomes independent. The cake was made for a patient become independent HOSPITALS Agus Arifin and pemudik crossing in front of the hospital.

Cake-making an independent, coordinators M Yamin found in HOSPITALS Agus Arifin Nu?man Thursday (16/8/2012) says, the goal is to welcome independent cookie HUT RI Ke-67 Independence.

"In addition to commemorating the 50th ANNIVERSARY of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA, we are also giving away all these cakes to patients and those who happened to be passing pemudik in front of the hospital," he said.

Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Security guard Rob Banks in order to foster mom Obati

KOMPAS.com/Muhammad Hasanudin Kris Ave Andriyanto, Security Bank Maspion turned out brain robbery 2 days ago was being led buser Direskrim team in Polda Bali Bali Mapolda, Thursday (16/08/2012).

DENPASAR, KOMPAS.com — that needed immediate action unique Bank robbery committed by Maspion Denpasar satpamnya own wrenching story left. Kris Ave Andriyanto left his parents since childhood robbed to cure disease stroke foster mom who take care of him.

"He dumped his parents since childhood, then treated people. Now he is again need money to his adopted mother treatment treating him, "said Kasubdit III Direskrimum Polda Bali, AKBP Harry Haryadi Mapolda Conference in Bali, Thursday (16/8/2012) during the last.

The origin of this man claims to have been a Place of work in Bali and last 8 months working as a security guard at the Bank Maspion. Current status as employees with salaries of $ 1 of outsourcing, 2 million per month. His earnings were not enough to cost of treatment his mother forced Andriyanto committed robbery.

However, due to his actions in violation of the law, Andriyanto and police continued to process the catch man 24 years by article 363 of the CRIMINAL CODE and the 220 about theft and false reports.

As reported, Andriyanto designing scenarios in a bank robbery where he worked on Tuesday (14/8/2012). The previous report to Andriyanto police since claims to be robbed three people on Tuesday morning and then turned out to be just made up a fictional story. After the investigating team assisted Polresta Direskrim Polda Bali Denpasar check and find various gaffe Andriyanto in his statement, police uncover the perpetrators of robbery is Andriyanto themselves.

Worry Is Gone, Mobdin Should Be Used Diesel

MALANG, KOMPAS.com — municipality of Malang, East Java, allows the employee (PNS) wear a car service (mobdin) during the Lebaran mudik. City of Malang has 80 cars on duty allowed used diesel.

"The reason he invited Local mobdin used for safety's sake, go to your car. If not used, be left in the House vacant for diesel, worried in fact missing was stolen, "explained Regional Secretary (Sekda) Malang, Muhammad Shofwan, Thursday (16/8/2012).

However, the word, use a car service Shofwan to return its conditional. If the home is rated safe for return, please just not to use mobdin.

"It is conditionally, if indeed at home did not secure it better taken alone. But if an issue left is also safe, "he said.

Asked about the purchase of fuel oil (FUEL), affirmed, PNS Shofwan concerned must buy their own FUEL because it is not a travel agency travel go. "A matter of purchasing FUEL, car service already installed all the stickers and must use Pertamax with personal money. If caught violating please reported. We will firmly sanctions, "he asserted.

Moreover, CIVIL SERVANTS should also be mobdin users are responsible for the condition of his car for a used to go.

"In case of a severe car accident, has been insured. If only slightly damaged, the user should correct it. Obviously, it should be back to normal as before, I'll be tasty used service, "said the former Head Office of education this poor City.

What if the CIVIL SERVANTS concerned replace plate plates red black? Unequivocally Shofwan says, it is not justified. "Change license plate may be the origin of emergency conditions. But, if the interest is clearly not allowed. If known, would have given a penalty. Please use mobdin, but do not replace the black plate. Nonetheless the red plate, "he asserted.

LBH The Alleged Persecution Of Prisoners Mortar

PADANG, KOMPAS.com-legal aid Institute (LBH) Pasture, Thursday (16/8) complain of alleged acts of persecution against the convict's initials (23). Legal aid-LBH Padang, Arief said the allegations from the rat occurs Vicar in Muaro Sijunjung correctional facility, Sijunjung, West Sumatra on August 14.

S family accompanied The alleged mistreatment of LBH reported this to the Polres Sijunjung, said Arief. He added, S is a convict murder cases since 2009 with punishment for six years.

According to alleged persecution commenced Arief, while using a mobile phone's is suspected. "For allegedly infringing the rules in this LP, S then allegedly herded and interrogated by force, said Arief.

The Head Office of The Ministry of law and HUMAN RIGHTS of West Sumatra, Sumarni Alam when contacted said it had been resolved, the issue between the parties The Komnas HAM LBH, Company representatives, heads of Correctional Security Unity LP Muaro Sijunjung, and Muaro Sijunjung Kalapas. "It's not beating and also not due to persecution in question using a mobile phone and then dumped into the kloset caught," he said.

He said the alleged abuse is the instantaneous burst of emotion attendant. Because one of the officers responsible for about 60 inmates, so sometimes people because it was too tired so easily provoked emotions, said Sumarni.

Gilimanuk-Ketapang began crossing Line

Compass/Siwi Yunita Cahyaningrum Pemudik trooped out of Bali from the dock port of Ketapang, Banyuwangi, East Java, Thursday (16/8/2012).

BANYUWANGI, KOMPAS.com – hundreds of motor vehicles from Wednesday night to Thursday (16/8/2012) began waiting in line at Gilimanuk Harbour to Ketapang in Jembrana Bali in Banyuwangi, East Java. Volume on the H-3 pemudik started doubled compared to the day before.

Until noon a line of four-wheeled vehicles were still gathered at the parking area of the port of Gilimanuk in Bali. However it has already begun to line density is reduced compared to early in the morning.

"This morning a number of four-wheeled pemudik admitted lining up about 1 hour to get terangkut on the ship."Total two hours for lining up and crossed, "said Rohadi ketapang (35) who want to to Jember, East Java.

On Thursday, the river and Lake Transport LTD. Crosswalk adds one unit ships for port operations. The ship now operates a Total of 30 units.The addition of ships that are related to a surge in passengers compared to the previous day which is of 64.968 passengers into those 30.159.

The number of driving wheels two also pemudik surged from 7.206 became 16.211, and four-wheeled ride of 2,949 so 5.171 units.

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Syamsudin Noor Airport passengers through Increased

The atmosphere at the Airport Passenger Diesel, Banjarbaru, Syamsudin Noor's on Thursday (16/8/2012).

BANJARBARU, KOMPAS.com— as many as 28.308 passengers departed from the aircraft using the airport Syamsudin Noor, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, since H-9 before the Lebaran. Are passengers coming has reached 15.638 passengers in the same period.

General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura II Syamsudin Noor Airport, Gerit M, says so far the peak departure and arrival passengers at the airport Syamsudin Noor occurs on H-4 on Wednesday (15/8/2012).

"For the coming course for example, yesterday on H-4 reached 3.420 people," he said current readiness mudik disela-sela review by the Governor's Rudy Ariffin, Thursday (16/8/2012). Compared to last year, according to Gerit until H-3 aircraft this year growth percentage went up 27 percent and 13 percent for arrival passengers. Are for departures took place increase of 22 percent to 33,72 percent for aircraft and passengers.

Leave her Stuff at the Office Pemudik Police

BANYUWANGI, KOMPAS.com — in addition to the Security command center, Polres Banyuwangi, East Java, also became a centre of luggage free of charge. Free luggage service is intended for people who want to go to your Place.

In the Office, place names society Polres can deposit valuables ranging from laptops, motorcycles and cars. Items that will be stored at the headquarters of Banyuwangi until Polres pemudik home, or a maximum of H + 7 Lebaran.

Luggage service, once created this new. Chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Banyuwangi Polres Nanang Masbudi says a break-ins, acts of criminality, and stealing home empty goods normally when citizens go to bloom.

Last year only 11 cases of theft occurred at empty House that left pemudik. "Well this free service to suppress crime figures," said Thaci, Wednesday (15/8/2012) dui Banyuwangi.

Two Thieves Empty Houses and boarding houses Specialist Diringkus

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com — Apparatus Reskrim Banyumanik, Semarang successful Investigators arrest two burglars often thrash your valuables in boarding houses and empty House. Both actors i.e. Erwin Widianto (30) the origin of the boarding houses in Klaten Regency Semarang Sidomulyo and Widodo (32), Hamlets, Tampingan residents of Magelang.

Kapolsek Banyumanik Suprapto Kompol Muliyawati Sham said the two alleged perpetrators had already done the action up to dozens of times.

"Both of them do not know each other and act independently. But they are equally targeted homes and empty house belonging to boarding students or employees, "he said on Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Suspect Erwin is burglary residivis already 4 times out went to jail. The last time he was breaking into a house in kos Street Appointment Sleigh on Tuesday (31/7/2012). Of action that the suspect managed to thrash your number 1 piece of gold jewelry, LCD TVS, laptops, and cash approximately USD 7 million. Items that belong to the occupant Ani Nur Hidayati kos, who worked as a teacher of religious Education in the House of Semarang.

"Mode by opening the whole done a door, if anyone is not locked and then taken his goods, but if caught would ostensibly looking for residents of the boarding houses," he added.

Meanwhile, the suspect is known to use mode with Schultz pretend goes busking to target empty House. The suspect is known to perform the action on a final mansion Housing the Graha Aesthetic Banyumanik on Sunday (12/8/2012).

Of the suspects police confiscated at least 9 laptop, a dozen mobile, TV, LCD monitor, and a number of gold jewelry a dozen grams which is a result of the theft.

The suspect confessed to committing the action because Erwin pressed for economic needs, especially toward Idul Fitri. While the suspect confessed to Semarang Widodo came up with a bus ride from his home in the village of Magelang to roving ngamen.

"If there is a chance I go home empty, but it's definitely not just time and finally arrested security guard," he said.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

The Unfortunate Seller Rush Polres Firecracker Ingredients

/YATIMUL Ponari KOMPAS.com AINUN House (50), the citizens of Malang, East Java, a firecracker exploding peracik material. His house was destroyed and three people were killed in the blast, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

MALANG, KOMPAS.com post-explosion of firecrackers which resulted in three fatalities at home (50), Ponari citizens Hamlet, Ngingit Village Gedeh Trays, Overlapping, Malang, East Java, Malang Polres will conduct raids and firmly crack down on a firecracker makers judged to many Poor areas occur in the South.

"After the event, we will not hesitate firmly crack down on firecracker makers in Malang. In fact already expressly not to be firecrackers. However, there are still many who make it, "said Kapolres Malang AKBP Djatmono, Rinto found together at Kompas.com after open Pendapa Malang, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Asked about the development of the East Java Police Department labfor findings down the boom in home kelokasi Ponari, Rinto affirmed, while the blast results Labfor akibar culprit (Ponari) any meracik material firecrackers. "Or due to hit the offender meracik percekan cigarette ingredients firecracker," he said.

Further, the State police still kept Rinto traces the origin of the material purchased by Ponari firecrackers. "The material could have been purchased outside of Malang. That's why we still continue to investigate where firecrackers were purchased, the material "she said.

If later found there is a firecracker maker, will firmly crack down on Rinto purporting to ACT accordingly. "We will not hesitate sentenced him. Members are already searching on the firecracker maker Malang, "he admits.

In the explosion that resulted in 13 houses damaged by tremors around the House, up to now some Ponari pieces three victims have still not been found. As of Wednesday afternoon, locals are still looking for the body pieces from three victims.

As for the death toll of explosions which occurred on Tuesday firecrackers (14/8/2012) that night is Ponari (50), his wife, and his employees, Listiana, Sodikin. In the incident, the House falling apart. Ponari

Chairman KPUD Pematangsiantar So Felons

MEDAN, KOMPAS.com — three of the defendants respectively, Chairman of the Local Electoral Commission (KPUD) Pematangsiantar Rajaingat Saragih, former Chairman of the KPUD Poltak H Simaremare, and former member of the KPUD Dilan Karno, so the Court 30 felons District Court (PN), Wednesday (15/8/2012).

They were charged mengorupsi funds Pematangsiantar 2003-2004 BUDGETS for operational implementation of the election of Rp 750 million. The defendant is the Chairman of the ELECTION COMMISSION Poltak Simaremare period 2004-2009. At that time, the defendant Rajaingat Saragih and Dilan Karno as members. The three detained Kejari Siantar began Tuesday (7/8/2012).

The public prosecutor (JPU) from Kejari Siantar, Robin Abdi in the indictment were read before the Tribunal judge who chaired P Simarmata said, fiscal year 2003, defendants and members of the ELECTION COMMISSION submits Poltak budget for allowances and welfare Chairman and members, the Secretariat, the Election Committee Sub (PPK), and a voting Committee (PPS). The budget is then fit on 2003 BUDGETS Rp Pematangsiantar 225 million.

Fiscal year 2004, the defendant filed a similar budget Poltak back. Those accommodated in budget 2004 BUDGETS $ 1.49 billion. From the budget, Rp 750 million used to benefit and welfare Chairman, Member, Secretariat, and PPS, PPK. Whereas, the Prosecutor said, with the nomenclature of the budget has been accommodated employee spending in the STATE BUDGET. Should fund BUDGETS to support the financing of elections is used in between for socialization activities, Office and travel agency.

"Leading to the duplication of financing support fund of Pematangsiantar 2003-2004 BUDGETS," said Robin.

Out of a total of Rp 750 million in losses to the State, the third defendant already reimburse Rp 150,9 million. While the secretariat has also been restored for about Rp 101,1 million. After this, still no refund losses of Rp 556,2 million country.

The actions of the defendant's threatened criminal article 2 paragraph (1) of article 18 paragraph jo (1, 2, 3) of ACT No. 31 of 1999 about the eradication of criminal acts of corruption jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the CRIMINAL CODE Section 55 subsection jo (1st) to-1 of the CRIMINAL CODE, article 3 jo subsider Article 18 paragraph (1, 2, 3) of ACT No. 31 of 1999 about the eradication of criminal acts of corruption jo Article 64 paragraph (1) of the CRIMINAL CODE Section 55 subsection jo (1st) to-1 of the CRIMINAL CODE.

Responding to the indictment, the three defendants through JPU Advisory ruling declares will submit an objection (exception). Tribunal judge postpones trial until Wednesday (29/8/2012) next week.

Students Give Help Victims Of Fires

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com-Among students in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia successfully garnered funds amounting to Rp 19,35 million. The Fund is the result of contributions of the general public who are convened to the victims of the fire, Banturung Gelagap Market Timpah, Regency Kapuas, Kalteng.

According to the Chairman of the Board Management Branch (DPC) National Students Movement (GMNI) Indonesia Palangkaraya, Roni Singapuar, when contacted in Palangkaraya, Wednesday (15/8/2012), the Fund convened on 8-August 12, 2012. Fundraising is done on a small Roundabout.

Roundabout with traffic lights it connecting four major roads in Palangkaraya so often impassable to motor vehicles with solid enough flow. The Fund has been submitted to the Fire victims of the Market Gelagap Meninggalkan Banturung in the Kapuas River.

Previously, the market Gelagap Banturung fire-ravaged, Saturday (4/8/2012) with the value of the loss is expected to reach Usd 5.8 billion. We thank him for his help so that the Community funds as much as it can be collected, said Roni.

The activity was carried out, the set of Student League Palangkaraya Student Kapuas, DPC GMNI Palangkaraya, the student Executive Body (BEM) Palangkaraya University (Unpar), BEM Faculty of teacher training and science Student Opposition, Barisan Unpar Milky Kalteng, and Hima Huma Betang Indonesia.

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Yusril was proposing the suspension of Detention Grandma 77 Years

KOMPAS.com HASANUDIN/MUHAMMAD Loena Kanginnadhi, 77-year-old grandmother accused of buying and selling land fraud cases currently undergoing trial in Denpasar District Court, Tuesday (26/06/2012) and in conditions of laying on the bed.

DENPASAR, KOMPAS.com Yusril Ihza Mahendra as the power law Loeana Kanginnadhi, Grandma in fraud cases defendants 77 and embezzlement of buying and selling of land valued at 850 thousand US dollars, filed a detention of a prisoner transfer to house arrest or prison town on Wednesday (15/08/2012). Yusril was not present to the District Court (PN) Denpasar when handing requests it. He only represented the power team members as well as other laws.

In the application letter listed a number of points, of which Loeana not worth it considering the detention he was already 77 years old and in ill condition. In addition, the Loeana who are in need of intensive care convalescence and caring family.

"When kept in detention shall be effected aggravating her health condition," said Yusril and tim power law in his letter.

If you still worry about detention imposed, would interfere with the psychological conditions Loeana that during the often felt depressed, crying, anxiety and depression. Despite the vague Loeana twice as will powers, the fifth member of team power law will guarantee Loeana will not escape again as seen from the age factor.

"Considering the reasons above and having regard to the provisions of article 31, paragraph 1 of the CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE, we plead with respect to the Tribunal judge spell and pengadil to suspend the prison detention of Loeana Kanginnadhi or swap them into a detention house or the city," Yusril said in his letter.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3rd grade boy Died Drowning

WAJO, KOMPAS.com -Citizens around the bridge Canru, Kecamatan Sabbangparu, Wajo Regency with the discovery of the bodies, particularly tantrum aged nine years old boy who floats in the River. Residents who found the boy's body was even named Aso suggested that students grade 3 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 221 Sompe this is still alive. They melarikannya to the home of his parents.

Aso later declared deceased by Area General Hospital doctor Lamadukelleng. "The victim's body was found when still warm up to our array's to the House of his parents. The families of the victims ran to a local Clinic and Aso referred to are Lamadukelleng until confirmed dead, "explained one of the citizens about Edi, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Edi explains, the victims allegedly immersed for five hours after playing with five of his colleagues on the River Allibengengnge. The son of an employee on duty education living in Village Sompe, district Sabbangparu is indeed not too adept at swimming and strong currents carried allegedly.

Victims then reported the incident to the citizens around, and then perform a search. Bodies of victims were found not far from the scene.

Tattooed Women Love Killer Arrested

Kompas.com/M AGUS FAUZUL Bunari JUDGE, the suspect killings of his wife, along with the proof of case goods when the title in Mapolres Kediri, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

KEDIRI, KOMPAS.com -women's bodies were found under the bridge Village, Plosoklaten Sub-district, Gondang Regency Kediri, East Java, on Monday (13/8/2012), did in fact murder victims. The victims named Elisa (22), the citizens of Sand Nguncang Cafe, Cicangkap Missing, Bandung Barat.

While the killer is her own, Bunari (24), islands of villagers, Saemalau, Ketapang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bear kills his wife own Bunari due to get irritated with the attitude of the victim.

Husband wife couple newly married about 3 months that was visiting at the home of Yatilah (30), sister Bunari Village, Kayunan, in Plosoklaten District. Both were in the village since Friday (10/8/2012).

Police Chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Resort Kediri Police Kasero, case Manggolo said the killings came to light after a team of criminal investigations against the results of the sports scene lawsuit or description of witnesses.

"After being informed of any citizen of new entrants often check-cok, we are doing a series of investigations and turned out to be true," said Manggolo Kasero, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

While the perpetrators, Manggolo added, arrested Kasero at his uncle's House in the village were subjected to stone, Pare. The arrests were further Kasero, officers, securing some of the exhibits, such as motorcycles, bricks, about one million cash dollars, necklaces, bracelets, as well as the pillow case related to the murder.

Abuser says, the incident Bunari starts from the check-which is often the case and cok peaked on Sunday (12/8/2012) at around 2: 00 pm. TIG is triggered by billing purchases of homes and motorcycles made by victims to him. The request could not be fulfilled because he identifies limitations of the economy.

"I am annoyed because often billed, then head of the tow I wear at the bricks. After a fall and I and her face I at cekik with brick and his body I'm treading, "said while in mapolres Bunari.

Killings, said, done in rooms Bunari front home Yatilah the middle of the deserted left on a trip. After killing, so it was claimed to be confused Bunari let her corpse was in bed until then banished to the bridge at around 2 am in the morning. "I took him (dead) by using the motor. I put it in front of the bottom of the steering wheel, "said Bunari.

Mass Back Went To The Office Of Regent Dogiyai

JAYAPURA, KOMPAS.com– mass supporter one of the candidates, new back Dogiyai Regency came to the Office of Regent Regency Dogiyai on Mowanemani, Wednesday (15/8). They keep voicing the backlash against the ruling of the Constitutional Court (MK) related dispute the elections in those districts.

Elikus Pigai, one of the coordinators of the mass action, said they still demanded an explanation from the COURT regarding transfer of voice to partner Thomas Tigi-Herman Auwe. According to them, masyara kat is convinced that most votes are collected by Natalis Degei-Esau Magay and gains they have been designated by the County Electoral Commission, April Dogiyai.

As previously reported, last Monday the judge granting the petition for the COURT to decide Thomas Herman Auwe Tigi-related elections in Dogiyai. In a verdict that mentioned Thomas Tigi-Herma n Auwe gained 28.155 votes defeated pair Natalis Degei-Esau and couples Iyowau Anthon Magay-Clara Apapa Gobay each got 21.952 votes and 26.463.

Earlier, in the recapitulation by the Regency Dogiyai end set pair Natalis Degei-Esau Magay won the most votes by the number of 29.084 votes. But the verdict was later sued over the couple's plea to the COURT Thomas Tigi-Herman Auwe.

The refusal of the masses in the verdict was Dogiyai heats Mowanemani, Kamuu Valley area of the city. Last Monday an angry mob torched the offices of County ELECTION COMMISSION and undermine the Office of Regent Dogiyai Regency Dogiyai.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

The Samarinda and Balikpapan Category Extreme High

BALIKPAPAN, KOMPAS.com-From 2 kabupaten/kota in East Kalimantan province during August 2012 recorded two areas zoned high index kekeringannya, which is the extreme of Samarinda (1.851) and Tanjung Redeb Berau regency (1,905). Extreme positions, high index of drought areas, if the number at the top of 1,749.

In General, one might say that a kekeringannya index and high extremes, usually coal mining areas, or peat lands. "There is a potential fire in the ground which is stored as dipancing, for example by wind or weather is dry, it can cause a fire," said Budi Kisworo, Chief, section of the observation and Meteorological and Geophysical Information Agency (BMG) Balikpapan, on Wednesday (15/8/2012).

The high index of Drought triggered a number of factors, such as rainfall, temperature, and the characteristics of the region. "Drought Index shows high potential for high fire in the area. Areas of kekeringannya, continues to index high of our coast, "he said.

Trucks Carrying Liquor Scroll By

JEMBER, KOMPAS.com — A liquor-laden trucks (miras) overturned and plunged into a Gorge as deep as 10 meters in the Village, the village of Sidomulyo Rainfall Resin, Silo, Jember, East Java, on Wednesday (15/8/2012). The contents of bottle liquor-laden thousands of types of beer spilled so that citizens and looted the highway users between Jember-Banyuwangi.

Head of traffic accidents Unit Polres Jember Inspector Teja says One I Made, truck police numbered B 9140 MT miras charged driven Martono drove from the West, or Jember to banyuwangi.

"We assess the truck less work so sock vehicles that rolled to the left and into the abyss," said Made Teja.

Thousands of bottles of alcoholic beverages brought from Surabaya with Banyuwangi spilled and scattered destinations around the cliff scene. A number of bottles of liquor taken people, even the road users passing around the scene also took part.

The driver of the truck, Martono, Gending Gending villagers Subdistrict of East Java say, thousands of bottles of beer-laden truck was leaving from Surabaya to Banyuwangi. Upon arriving at the scene, the truck trying to avoid tilting road conditions, but from the back of the minibus suddenly appeared that attempt to preempt.

Martono surprised so was unable to control his vehicle then overturned in the Gorge. Saini who is sitting next to the driver, or bump the iron so that it cuts on the roof of vehicles so that the hands and head, now must get treatment at the health center of Silo.

Dig the well, Kok Fire Sprinkling

SAMPANG, KOMPAS.com -from fire bursts of drilling wells owned minerals Umar Faruq (50) in the village of Banjar Talela, Kecamatan Camplong, Sampang, East Java, on Wednesday (15/8/2012) a stir around the citizens. The reason natural phenomena that are rarely found in other areas.

Faruq says, that appears when a burst of fire workers drilling wells to install pipes to deepen the Fort. Because, to a depth of 90 meters, water sources are not expected to be found.

"When service-pipe connected, unexpectedly exits ROAR and wind. We do not think if that gas, "brightening.

Because removing wind and strong scent, the pipe was then covered with fabric. But the sound and wind still rumbles. "After it is left for 30 minutes, suddenly out of fire. I was shocked as hell, "he added.

Because the issue of fire, four workers were drilling wells that stopping his work. It further drilling, Faruq, initially to find a source of water. For the dry season in his village, causing drought and citizens about the difficulty of clean water.

"Who sought out instead of fire water kok," said astonished.

That event attracted the attention of people around. They flocked to witness a rare occurrence.

Misturi, neighbors speak, inside Faruq well is certainly no source of the gas. "No way out api if there is no gas in the well," he said.

Faruq's own choosing to let a torrent of fire that, and there is no attempt to turn it off. "Let it go just yet, who knows later discharged himself," he said.

According to him, the next time the fire was out, bursts then digging wells will resume again until it finds a source of water.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Hotspots can still Surged to October

  JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com-Vigilance against potential fires in Central Kalimantan continue to be maintained until October 2012. So, it is likely the number of hot spots or spiralling hot spots can still occur until that month. In August 2012, the number of hot spots has shown increased sharply.

So said the head of Hall and natural resources Conservation (BKSDA) Kalteng Kholid Indarto when contacted in Palangkaraya, the Kalteng, Wednesday (15/8/2012). Based on the data, the number of point BKSDA Kalteng heat until 11 August 2012 as many as 290 points.

That number increased compared to the same period in 2011 as much as 275 points. So far during 2012, hot point in August was up to the greatest number. Total hotspots in July 2012, just as much as 205 points. Therefore, the role of the community and it is desirable.

Kholid says, if it did, the public burning of land users are suggested to do it under control. Burning to open a plantation could not indisputably already done since the first community Kalteng. However, further, that activity should Kholid performed with strict supervision.

"Activity and its land area is limited. Pembaka ran it the cheapest way to open up the land but do not extend, "he said.

Prosecutors Maintain These Lakmas Deeds at TTU

KEFAMENANU, KOMPAS.com — Director of the Anti-violence Agencies of civil society (Lakmas) Fragrant Sandalwood, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Viktor Manbait was out State Attorney's North Central Timor Regency Kefamenanu (TTU) and High Prosecutors deliberately kept the corruptor NTT in the bordering districts of Timor-Leste to specific goals.

"I ask that the High Prosecutor's Office and the State Attorney's in order to point out the professional performance with uphold the rules. Their legal process – they're set as a suspect or a person duly reported to the community because of alleged corruption, "beber Manbait, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

"For example, Chairman of the Regional people's representative Council (DPRD) TTU Robertus Nailiu that has been designated as a suspect in the case of home assistance, where the Head Office of social Social TTU regency and planning consultant Nikolaus Suni Moa have been convicted as Michael convicted person by the Tribunal of judges 30 Kupang, whereas until recently such as Robertus so high Attorney's protégé and the country," these Manbait.

Manbait claims to be surprised that as Robertus directly involved the commissioning contract, and for a year is still expected to be suspect. He rated the High Prosecutor's Office and the State Attorney's as if afraid of the authorities.

In addition, officials who allegedly Robertus involved corruption case Manbait, added Vice Chairman I DPRD TTU Hendrikus Frengky Saunoah ever reported to the Prosecutor by the anti-corruption network of People (a distance of) NTT for allegedly conducting racketeering Rp 50 million to the SDK head 2, Peter Lopo Maubesi.

Chief State Attorney's Kefamenanu Diding Kurniawan through civil litigation Section Head and The State (head of Datun) Agusta Dany Salmon, Wednesday (15/8/2012), said special for suspected corruption case Robertus Nailiu, currently from the Prosecutor's Office is still performing on the field.

"While We do the examination results to the 319 housing units and for the moment we shall have recourse to the technical team of The PU to count. Of course we still have the stages would we go through after this stage and all processes that are still running, "said Salmon.

Problem case Vice Chairman I DPRD TTU Hendrikus Saunoah, Kompas.com trying Frengky contact Kajari Kefamenanu Diding Kurniawan via cell phone, but was not picked up. Likewise also the Chief Prosecutor Publicist NTT Tirayuda when contacted by Jemmy reject the phone call also did not answer cell.

The previous head of DPRD TTU Robertus Nailiu has been set to be a suspect in the November 10, 2011 ago by Attorney's TTU. Robertus allegedly involved in corruption case social assistance fund in 2008 valued at Usd 5 billion. It grants to finance development projects 333 housing units type simple size 6X5 m for the victims of natural disasters in the TTU Regency.

And at that time, still as a contractor implementing Robertus and yet became Chairman of DPRD TTU. While the Deputy Chairman I DPRD TTU Hendrikus Frengky Saunoah reported by the distance Monday, June 25, 2012 NTT for allegedly involved extortion Rp 50 million to the SDK head 2, Peter Lopo Maubesi.

Corruption case DBH 18 billion Immediately Disidangkan

MANOKWARI, KOMPAS.com — Attorney's (Kejari) have been finalising the document results of Manokwari investigation against the two suspects alleged corruption funds for results (DBH) oil and gas (oil & gas), 2005-2006, West Papua 18 billion Usd worth of involving regional Secretary of West Papua, Luther Rumadas and head of Marthen Agency Narcotics province of West Papua, Aaron Jitmau.

State Attorney's (Kajari) Manokwari Herman Harsono SH, Wednesday (15/8/2012), says, the file screening events (BAP) has submitted to the Court of a criminal offence of corruption (30) of West Papua in Manokwari.

"We've limpahkan the file corruption cases DBH oil & gas West Papua to court for immediate disidangkan, 30 and currently lives waiting for the determination of the trial schedule," said Herman H Kajari Manokwari Harsono SH in Manokwari.

Shared files (VB) evidence in the form of documents submitted by the Prosecutor at around 11.00 WIT. The Court shall immediately check the file 30 and document one by one. Until the late afternoon examination files still going on in one of the rooms in the Office Court 30 of West Papua.

Waney Demianus SH MH as the power law of the defendant watched the process of pelimpahan files and evidence. Results of the investigation, the accused Ago RI Marthen Luther Rumadas amounting to Rp disservice suspected the country 11 billion. While defendant Aaron Jitmau who was then serving as head of the Office of Revenue (Kadispenda) area of West Papua is detrimental to the State of Rp 7 billion.

During the process of investigation in the Attorney General's Office, the defendant merely Rumadas RI was arrested with the status of prisoner of the city. Ago, the defendant had returned the alleged losses of the country as a whole. While the accused was arrested in the House of Aaron Jitmau prisoners Jakarta under the pretext of not returning the State losses.